Director's Perspective (Duty of Care):
If one of your employees is seriously injured or dies
as a result of a work related incident, you will be held responsible. It is your responsibility and obligation to identify and assess foreseeable hazards. Risk management involves assessing the harm of those hazards. There are no exemptions for risk management.
Risk management applies to all hazards and all workplaces covered by the OHS Act and Regulations. You must keep a record of all incidents for at least 5 years.
Non-Compliance = No Defence = Massive Fines + Possibly Gaol.
The software provided by us was created to make compliance easier.
Manager's Perspective (Person-with-control):
If one of your co-workers dies on the job, you are responsible. You are the person-in-control. Make your work place safe by documenting your procedures and assessing all aspects of the job. You are often the most experienced person on the site and when an accident happens you are responsible. Assessing and implementing safe controls for every one of your worker's jobs is your responsibility.
Worker's Perspective (Shared Responsibility):
You are not required to work in uncontrolled, unsafe, Risky situations but it is part of your job to make the workplace safer. Risky Business SOS allows you to inform the managers about hazards that you see and ways to make the job safer. Don't be a fool with your life. Work Safely and follow the assessed instructions. Make your job life safer.
Dr Gerard Hammond, MacSOS