Released 17 August. 1999.
Not released. Beta testers only.
Released 7 September. 1999.
-Multiple document/database interface
-Added 'document level' preferences
-Added global preferences/registration
-Better MS SQL browsing capabilities
-Save query as documents
-Automatically run query after database connection
-Automatically save query results
-Automatically quit SyBrowser after running query
-Queries can be scheduled via MacAT ($39 USD also from MacSOS)
-Table and Field lists are now sorted alphabetically
Released 28 September. 1999.
-Results window buttons incorrect positioning after resize fixed.
Released 22 February 2000
- Queries are now 10% faster, but background tasks get even less cycles to
- Queries can now be threaded. These background queries will be >10 times
slower than non-threaded queries, but you regain control of your Mac.
- Queries with more than seven columns use a (much) slower listbox rendering
engine, but it does have a horizontal scrollbar. A significant performance
hit will be seen for these queries.
- Queries saved directly to disk queries now bypass the results window and
will be processed much faster.
- Enabled "Find" command on Results window
- Added syntax colouring for SQL commands (abort accept access alter and array
arraylen as assert at avg begin between body case columns commit constant count
create cursor declare default definition delete desc dispose distinct do drop
else elsif end entry exception exists exit false fetch for from function goto
if in insert intersect into is like loop max min minus mod new of on open or
out package partition positive pragma private procedure public range record
rem replace return rollback rowtype run savepoint select set size start stddev
sum then to type union unique update use values variance when where while with
- Results window now displays column names
- Added the ability to show column names in the export files
- Added keyboard commands to the buttons in the Save dialog.
- Added a popup of some common SQL commands
- Fixed password being not being saved in the correct document preference field.
- Enabled document resizing.
- Monaco font now used for SQL entry field
- Holding down the shift key as the application starts will deactivate all
SQL queries for that session.
- Holding down the Option key when selecting the Open Menu item will enable
SyBrowser to display all files of type text.
- Pressing command-. will stop a non-threaded query.
Released 24 August 2000
- Double clicking the entries in the listboxes now inserts that row into the
SQL string more efficiently
- New colour syntax highlighting code now works better under Windows.
- New "Admin" tab. This tab displays information on all database
users, the current user, and processes currently running.
- Fixed badly wrapping text in cells that have a lot of text
- You can now click "Create SQL Query" button when just a table is
selected to insert the string "select * from Table".
- Price increased to $45
Released 23 October 2000
- Previous command history is now available via History popup-menu
- Added Native PostgreSQL support
- Added shared library MySQL support - Don't use the latest MySQL libraries!
Use the libraries included with SyBrowser.
- MacOS only version due to MySQL and PostgreSQL support.
- Compiled with RB 2.1.2
Released 28 April 2001 - Win32 version returns with ODBC, MySQL, PostgreSQL
support only.
- MacOS X support added. At this stage only MySQL, PostgreSQL are supported.
- Result window now has a close dialog button.
- Various screen adjustments to suit Aqua interface guidelines.
- Results screen now displays the SQL statement.
Released 10 Dec 2002
- Native (ie ODBC-less) connections to Sybase 11 and greater on MacOS 8, 9,
X and win32.
- Resize widget added between Table and Columns lists.
Released 18 March 2003 - Sybase (via TDS) is now supported under MacOS 8.6
and greater.
- Type ahead implemented for most listboxes, including Table and Fields listboxes.
- Removed the PICTcells code. Now uses the built-in REALbasic listbox exclusively.
Scrolling speed under Carbon is a known issue.
- Added Entity Relationship Diagramme panel for registered users (Currently
only Sybase is supported. Other DB's to follow...). Currently only user defined
relationships are added.
- Fields table now shows primary keys.
- Entity Relationship objects can be formatted via the menus from the SQL and
ERD panels.
- Entity Relationship objects can be dragged around inside the window by their
- Entity Relationship objects can be resized by clicking in the lower right
hand corner.
- Entity Relationship objects can be hidden and coloured.
- Entity object details are saved between programme invocation.
- ERD panel does not yet scroll the ERD objects.
- Relationships can be added, removed and edited from the ERD panel when two
tables are selected. Auto-generation of relationships is not yet enabled.
- The order of table selection is important when adding a relationship.
- Relationships can be dragged.
- Very basic printing is now enabled.
- Sybase users can now view the text of stored procedures. Editing is not yet
- Sybase stored procedures can be copied to the clipboard.
- The SQL statement code is now syntax coloured by a slightly faster module.
- Different syntax colours are now displayed for SQL words. eg 'Rollback' is
red whereas 'Begin' is blue).
- Small Sybase stored procedures are syntax coloured (via an different experimental
syntax colouring module).
- Sybase users can now view information about indexes. Editing is not yet enabled.
- Sybase Only: Suspect indexes are displayed.
- Results window now displays more processing information during threaded queries.
Under MacOS X queries are quite fast when threaded.
- Double clicking the columns window inserts the column name (as before) but
now leaves the keyboard focus in the SQLstatement editfield.
- MySQL plugin changed to REALsoftware's version.
- Message dialog now displays the SyBrowser icon (New HIG)
- "Open Recent" menu added. Shows a dynamic list of the last eight, previously
opened files.
- "Window" menu added. Shows a dynamic list of open Document windows.
- "Log" window and menu added. can be used to see the internal debug messages.
Includes a copy to clipboard feature.
- SyBrowser now saves documents in a new XML format which is incompatible with
previous versions. 3rd parties should not rely on the ERD sections being static
as they are rebuilt with each save of the document. ie Add your own XML tags
at your own peril.
- Document windows (with unsaved changes) now show a red dot in the close button
under Carbon.
- The Save dialog is now a sheet under OS X.
- All listboxes can be sorted ascending or descending by clicking the column
- Under Carbon, the SQL statement is now System font size 12, not Monaco, 10.
My eyes are getting older...
- The Admin listbox now shows column headers
- The mouse cursor changes to reflects the state of the drag options for ERD
objects very subtlety.
- Some ERD objects leave a trail that is removed after dragging. A cosmetic
bug I will try and remove in the future.
- Re-worked the "Prefs" panel .
- Added syntax colour switch on "Prefs" Panel.
- The Admin listbox can now be sorted ascending/descending by clicking the
column headers
- Price increased to $89
- Unregistered users now limited to 25 rows of returned data.
- Unregistered users now do not have access to most features.
- New menu added. "Info". Menu Item "Table..." displays table information.
Menu Item "Columns..." displays column information.
- Sybase table information includes: Visibility and colour in ERD panel.
- Sybase column information includes: Type, length, remarks, count, nullable
- Compiled with REALbasic 4.5.3fc2 Carbon.
v5.1 Released 24 March 2003 - Tweaked relationships autosensing the position
of the ERD objects after a move.
- Added contextual menu items to Table list (actually added in v5.0 but enhanced
in this version).
- ERD tables now always created within the visible tab-panel dimensions.
- Corrected spelling of SyBrowser in the About dialog - crikeys....
- Results windows now uses Einhugur's very fast "Grid" listbox under carbon.
Scrolling is now much faster.
- Fixed bug with case-sensitive lookups of Sybase indexes.
- MySQL connections now work again for SQL and ERD panels.
- Fixed bug where the last relationship added could not be removed.
- Worked around the REALbasic assert ATSUPara.cpp.519 (when selecting the text
of a procedure)
- Result windows now always displays the headers.
- Added a window splitter control on the "Proc" panel. This allows the listbox
dimensions to be changed by dragging the widget.
- Results windows are now titled by number.
- Results windows are now added to the Window Menu.
- Results windows menuitems now remove themselves correctly from the Window
Menu when they are closed.
- Removed the Windows binary from the suite as it needs more work.
- Compiled with REALbasic 4.5.3 Carbon.
Released 19 May 2003
- Improved contextual menu items on Table list.
- Worked around REALbasic crashing bug with large amounts of text. This was
seen when manipulating the text of large stored procedures.
- Added a select all handler for the SQL statement field.
- Find is now smaller and a floating window
- Find Window now works against the procedure text
- Find Window now displays more appropriate context for button caption.
- Find Window now positions itself relative to the top right hand side of the
Procedure text.
Released 28 Oct 2004
SQL Panel :
- Added a SQL context sensitive popup menu that appears when the tab key is
pressed. This popup menu will display text that can be selected and inserted
into the SQL editfield. Text immediately preceding the insertion pint will
limit the options in the auto-complete window. The auto-complete window has
full keyboard control including type ahead, page up/down/home and end. Press
Escape to not update the SQL statement text.
- Fixed the history popup menu so that is easier to read for multi-line SQL
- Complex SQL statements with left and right brackets are now parsed and allow
the logical contents to be automatically selected. Simply place the insertion
point before the left bracket and press command and right arrow keys. All the
text up to and including the corresponding right angle bracket will be selected.
This also works for nested brackets and from right to left.
- The textsize of the SQL statement can now be increased and decreased using
the keyboard. Pressing command + will increase the textsize of the SQl statement.
Command - will reduce dynamically the fontsize. SQL queries are saved in the
query file and restored when re-opening the query document.
- The Height of the Table listbox can now be increased by dragging a horizontal
widget. The new dimensions are saved in the query file and restored when re-opening
the query document.
- The "Clear Query" button now has a menu and keyboard combination.
ERD Panel:
- A new Properties palette is a window that allows the dimensions of ER Tables
to be edited. This panel also works when multiple ER tables are selected.
Lots of new features here. Align left/right/top/bottom, visibility, autosize
etc etc.
- Unlimited undo implemented for all moves of ER objects (relations and tables).
- Select All now selects all ER tables.
- Added a "Select Table" contextual menu items on the ERD page. This
shows all the visible ER tables in alphabetical order
- Selected ER tables can be moved using the command and up/down/left/right
arrows. Hold down the shift key as well to move the tables by a larger increment.
- Automatic resizing (length and height) of ER tables is now implemented. ie
tables will be made as long and as wide as the need to be to display the fields
- Un-registered versions now display up to three ER tables.
- The XML format has been improved. It is now a valid Apple .plist document
(Previously saved SyBrowser XML documents can still be opened)
- Reading, validating and saving v6.0 formated XML documents is much faster.
- The history of SQL commands are now saved in the file for later re-use.
- NOTE printing is being a little problematic.
- New prefs file format introduced.
- On MacOS systems, an optional high-speed grid display can be activated from
the prefs menu.
- Copying results to the clipboard has been improved.
- The number of selected rows in the results window is now shown in the summary
Released 9 November 2004
- Pressing the Command key and the up arrow will now load the previously executed
command (similar to pressing the up arrow key in a tcsh terminal session under
UNIX). Pressing the Command key and the down arrow moves forward though the
history of executed statements.
- A new preference was added. "Show Results In SQL panel". When this
is preference is set, then the results are displayed in a listbox that becomes
visible on the SQL panel. When checked, separate Results windows are not created.
- When the "Show Results In SQL panel" is checked, a new splitter
becomes visible located between the SQL statement editfield and the Results
listbox on the SQL panel. Drag this splitter to increase or decrease the height
of the results listbox.
- The buttons on the Save Dialog can be selected by pressing the command key
and the first letter of the caption. Escape and return key select the Cancel
and Default button as expected.
- The current database is now displayed above the Database popup menu above
the Tables list.
- All databases available to Sybase users are now displayed in the Database
popup menu. This menu can be used to move to another database without creating
a new query file.
- Relationships, when selected via a mouse click on any horizontal or vertical
arm, now show drag handles. Drag the handles to move the relationships arms.
- Flickering is a known problem when dragging ERD tables under Win32 and OS
9. Email me if this is a problem for you.
- Oracle databases should now be able to be queried from MacOS X and Windows.
OCI and SQL*Net libs will need to be pre-installed.
- PostgreSQL databases should now be able to be queried from MacOS 9, X and
- Removed Oracle connection option under MacOS 9 - NOTE: You need to install
Oracle connection libs to connect to Oracle servers using SyBrowser.
- Added a new connection type "ODBC". It uses configured ODBC datasources.
On OS X, only the Actual Technology libraries have been tested. Under Windows
XP, Excel, Sequelink and MS ODBC driver datasources work. Under OS 9 the Sequelink
ODBC driver datasources work.
- Now the last eight documents opened are saved in the preferences file, rather
than the first eight opened documents.
- Added "Marching Ant" ERD selection. As a bonus, hold down the shift
key to add to the enclosed ERD tables to the currently selected ERD tables.
- When dragging the ERD tables around, hold the Control key down to restrict
the movement to left and right or hold down the Option key to restrict the
movement up and down. Hold down both when dragging and dragging stops.
- ERD tables can only be dragged inside the page.
- Improved the auto-completion of columns names after adding a period to the
table name in the SQL statement field.
- Added a 'Dump Tran with no_log" button on the Index panel for native
Sybase connections. Use at you own risk.
- Stored Procedure code can be selected and copied to the clipboard.
- Removed the preference option "Use Faster Grid in Results window".
- Tidied up the visible options when selecting different databases on the login
Released 18 November 2004
-Added FrontBase support.
- Fixed the initial position of the SQL auto-completion popup on computers with multiple monitors.
- The "Edit Relationships Info..." dialog can now be opened using the menu. This dialog allows the properties of the selected relationship to be edited.
- Double clicking a Relationship will automatically open the "Edit Relationship" dialog.
- The Find dialog now works for the returned datasets on the SQL panel and the Results windows. It also works for the Procedure Panel for Sybase stored procedures.
- Added Colour Wheels to the "Edit Table Info..."" and "Edit Relationships
Info..." dialogs.
- The mouse cursor changes to reflect the draggable direction when resizing ERD tables, or dragging the various arms of a relationship
- Modified the "Edit Relationships Info..." title to reflect the start and end table names.
- The selected arm of the selected relationship now has a circle for a handle. The arms without the focus still have the rectangle.
- The selected arm of the selected relationship can be moved up and down or left and right by one pixel by pressing the appropriate up/down/left/right keys. The Vertical arm can only move left and right. Horizontal arms can only be moved up and down.
- Documentation added.
- Thanks to Marco A. Gonzalez for a lot of good ideas with the ERD panel.
- Holding down the shift key allows multiple ER tables to be selected. The cursor changes to reflect this state.
- Clicking the Relationship is easier as the click area has been increased.
- The Properties palette displays all the relationships for the selected ER table in the Relationships popup. Now the appropriate relationship is selected when the user modifies this popup.
- The table list on the SQL panel now has a checkbox. Ticking this checkbox will add that table to the ERD panel. Unchecking will remove the table from the ERD panel.
- Tables that should be displayed on the ERD panel need to be ticked on the SQL panel.
- The ERD panel now shows a trident arrow for the "Many" arms of relationships in the ERD panel.
- The "Many" arms of relationships now display empty circles for optional entities and full circles for mandatory entities.
- The "One" arms of relationships now display a small perpendicular cross line for mandatory entities.
- The vertical arms of a relationship now display correctly when the end ER tables are situated above or below each other.
- Selecting a ERD table does not clear the selected relationship.
- Printing the ERD panel now works better. Printing other panels is currently disabled.
- The "Edit Relationships Info..." dialog now appears automatically after adding a Relationship via the menus.
- Update the "About SyBrowser" dialog.
- On MacOS computers the minimum height for an ER table is 96 pixels.
- Renamed the "Rebuild Tables" menu to be "Rebuild and Show All Tables". This removes all relationships and displays all the tables.
- The "Reset Current Tables" menu resets the current tables to the default size and position. This removes all relationships.
- The "Rearrange Current Tables" menu automatically resizes the current tables to the optimal size based on the current font. This does not remove the relationships.
Released 7 December 2004
- Added OpenBase support.
- Added a cartesian graphing panel.
- Added a 'Spotlight'-like search field that truncates the rows displayed on
the SQL panel. Searching the matrix of large result sets can be slow. In this
case, use the "Find" command which doesn't truncate but automatically
scrolls down to and highlights the found row.
- Added context sensitive Auto-Fill to the SQL statement panel. Press the tab
to confirm the guessed SQL command.
- Added a 'Spotlight'-like search field to the Sybase Stored procedures panel.
Continue to use the "Find" dialog to search the stored procedure
- Added help text and auto-fill for some common Sybase stored procedures: "sp_help" "sp_addalias" "sp_spaceused" "sp_locks" "sp_adduser" "sp_addgroup" "sp_addlogin" "sp_dropalias" "sp_droplogin" "sp_password" "sp_who".
- Started work on Japanese, French, German and Spanish versions of SyBrowser.
People willing to help with the translations for these and other languages
should email me.
- Added an encoding popup menu. This allows the user to set the correct encoding
for their database. All database results are now set to the encoding as defined
in this popup (MacRoman, MacJapanese, UTF8, UTF16, WindowsLatin1, ASCII, MacChineseSimp).
Please let me know if the results in unexpected behaviour.
- Added a Preferences menu that displays the preferences panel.
- Fixed a bug in Find command where it was not searching the first column.
- Increased the click area around the end and start arms.
- Autosize now accommodates ellipses.
- Added "System" to the list of font names.
- Pressing the return or enter keys now acts like the tab key in the left/top/height
and width editfields on the properties panel.
- Renamed "Ordinality" popup menu to "Optionality" on the "Edit
Relationships Info..." dialog
- Fixed Optionality bug with "1" arms. They were always being drawn
as Mandatory even when they were optional.
- Most windows are now multiple screen friendly.
- Re-worked the ERD menus that delete tables and relationships.
- By default, new windows now display query results in the SQL panel.
- Changed the layout of the SQL panel so that the Execute button is always
directly below the SQL statement editfield.
- Note, SyBrowser does not yet connect natively to v4.1 servers that are running
the new authentication mode.
- Changed the application opening sequence so that a new blank query file is
shown, except when the application has received an open doc AppleEvent.
- MS SQL ODBC login bug fixed on OS X and Windows. SyBrowser has been tested
against MSSQL2000 running on a Windows server. From OS X, the http://actualtechnologies.com/
drivers work. Under Win32, the MSSQL ODBC drivers work.
- A native MS SQL plugin is not yet available in this version but it is being
worked on. This will allow SyBrowser to connect to a MS SQL server without
pre-installing any third party library, like ODBC.
- Added users name to the thanks section of the About SyBrowser dialog.
- Re-running the exact same query does not add the SQL repeatedly to the History
popup menu.
- Added shortcut menu items to get to each panel.
- The yes/no cancel dialog now looks more standard on Classic and Win32 systems.
- Note to OpenBase Users: Changing encodings when connected to the database,
causes the connection to be dropped and re-created. This should all happen
instantaneously and without user interaction. Please let me know if it doesn't.
- Fixed the display of the "Admin" buttons on Windows. They now look
like Netscape v2 buttons, just like the Mac.
- The "Create Query" Button is now disabled unless a row is selected
in either the table or column listboxes.
- Simultaneously pressing the command and shift keys along with the "+" (plus)
or "-" (minus) keys, increases or decreases the text size of the
selected listbox. This also works for the ERD listboxes.
Released 26 January 2005
- Australia Day release.
- Added a pie graph showing data distribution, with percentages, for Sybase
- Improved UTF-8 support. SyBrowser now works with Japanese/Frontbase users.
Work continues on non-English translations. Please, email me if you would like
to help or beta test.
- OpenBase connections now possible under Win32.
- FrontBase connections now possible under Win32.
- Undo now works again on the SQL editfield.
- Spotlight search text field now labeled"Search".
- SQL queries that don't return an error and don't return rows are not flagged
as errors.
- Moved the a 'Dump Tran with no_log" button to the Database panel for
native Sybase connections. Use at you own risk.
Released 9 February 2005
- Threaded queries now only possible under OS 9.
- Fixed up the bug in the release notes (Released 26 January 2004?) ;-)
- Spotlight feedback widget now displays the search progress as a percentage.
Long searches can be stopped with Command-.
- Spotlight searches are now much faster with larger matrices.
- When the debug preference is turned on, unprintable characters (eg tabs,
control characters) are displayed as hexadecimal numbers preceded by an
equal sign.
Released 2 March 2005
- New SQL history sheet added. Press command-H to display
this dialog or press the "SQL" button on the main window. This sheet
displays a listbox of previously executed commands in descending order. A spotlight
search field allows very easy searching of previously executed SQL commands.
Double click the row to place it in the SQL statement editfield ready for another
- Attempting to move to a database that you aren't allowed to use now displays
an error rather than silently failing.
- The absolute path of the currently opened file is now displayed in the "Prefs" panel.
Released 22 April 2005
- Toolbar icons replace the tab-panel layout. Some other layout changes have
- Maximum number of rows to display dialog implemented. this number is set
in the Preferences plane. This avoids the slow applicationn response when lots
of rows with lots of columms are being displayed.
- Smart caching added. When caching is turned on then SyBrowser will be able
to find many more fields in the database. Press the TAB key with a partially
typed field name to see all the options across the whole db!
Released 25 June 2005
- SQLite v2 support.
Released 13 September 2005
- SQL text is now coloured correctly after using the history dialog and the
History popup menu.
- All new Toolbar menu items, with fancy Roll-Over effects.
- New registration numbering scheme introduced.
- File sizes significantly reduced for documents with large SQL histories.
- Table dialog now displays coloured text and the Pie Graph is now working
- Compiled with RB2005
Internal Release
Released 26 January 2006
- History Popup now autoselects the last row after a SQL exec.
- Softwrap re-introduced in SQL field.
- Fixed some issues with the ERD panel getting into a mixed state when changing
between Sybase databases.
- Recently opened files are now displayed in alphabetical order.
- Autocomplete is now instantaneous if there is only one option
- Compiled with RB2006r1 (PPC with RB5.5)
Released 4 May 2006
- New Menu "Reveal In Finder". This opens the documents parent (ie enclosing) folder.
- Faster, more accurate syntax highlighting editor added - Thanks Alex Restrepo!
- Added MS SQL server connectivity.
- Added a Delete button the SQL History dialog. This deletes the selected SQL from the on-disk file. Pressing the delete key also deletes the selected line if the listbox has the focus
- Compiled with RB2006r2.
- New support dialog added to handle unhandled exceptions.
Released 31 August 2006
- New toolbar icons.
- Modifications to the XML document files. They are now much smaller and faster to open.
- Fixed the Maximum number of returned rows dialog to show the number of rows being returned.
- The insertion pint and selected text for each executed SQL statement is now stored in the XML document file.
- Added a "Choose" button to the SQL History dialog. Double click and ENTER key also insert the SQL into the SQL statement field as before.
- New Splash screen.
- Added some more Sybase Specific information about Roles, Databases and Logins on the Admin Tab. This will be expanded in future releases. Please let me know if you want something added here.
- History popupmenu now does not allow leading white space.
- The keyboard shortcut for "Clear SQL" has been changed to Command-Option-b
- Added a new menu "Copy Special" with the keyboard shortcut Command-Option-c This menu copies the SQL, the headers and the results to the clipboard.
- Added remote REAL SQL server support.
- Added local file, REAL SQL (SQL v3) support.
- Added pretty print support (This is a bit of a misnomer - pretty print formats the SQL in the SQL statement editfield). Added a preference to enable this formatting to happen automatically or never).
- Added a new menu, "Pretty Print" This format the current SQL statement on demand.
- Now a Mach-O application bundle, in readiness for the upcoming Universal Build.
- Added a new MySQL v5 compatible plugin.
- Export schema can now export the simple schema. Hold down the Command key when you select the menu item. Hold it down until the caching has started. The exported schema is a complete dump of just the tables and column names. Hold down the command and Shift for an alternative schema dump.
- SQL can be automatically generated by selecting multiple columns and clicking the "Create SQL" menu (or command-option-v)
Released 8 December 2006
- Fixed incorrect dirtying of a document that was simply opened then closed.
- Table, Column, Results listboxes and the SQL editfield now store and restore the text font size in the saved XML document.
- AutoTab completion works again for multi-line SQL statements.
- Added encrypted REAL SQL db support
- Not publically released.
Released 10 July 2007
- The autocomplete list is now loaded much faster (The table and column info is now cached at startup via a thread. This process is now much quicker as well as no longer blocking typing).
- OS 9 version deprecated. Stick with a previous release
- Universal Binary. Some plugins didn't make the intel leap...
- MS SQL no longer supported on OS X ;-(
- Compiled with RB2007r3.
Released 29 September 2007
- All styles runs are removed from the SQL statement editfield before re-displaying old SQL statements from the history list.
- Standard 'Window' Menu added to MacOS X build.
- You can now move around REALSQL server databases
- Fixed a nil object exception with the caching thread.
- Compiled with RB2007r4.
Released 3 December 2007
- Default Document window now opens and closes faster.
- FindResults and NextFindResults listbox should no longer bleed through onto the main document window. Maybe.
- Connections to postgreSQL databases improved. It is now possible to change between valid databases.
- ODBC connections improved.
- Most controls now use SmallSystem 0 dimensions for Leopard 105 OS X compatibility.
- Compiled with RB2007r4
Released 14 February 2008 - Valentines Day Release
- New menu "Check for Updates". This checks for a new version of SyBrowser.
- The number of rows is now displayed more often.
- Increased the size of the autocomplete listbox by 2 pixels per row.
- Fixed the Button that lists the users in the current database on the "Admin" tab.
- New Sybase plugin used, based on BSD sockets
- Compiled with RB2008r1
Released Released 28 October 2009
- Fixed the ghost window when dragging the bottom WindowSplitter on the "SQL" page.
- Changed the Command Key equivalents for History (CTRL-H) and (CTRL-L) for OS X compatibility.
- Fixed the colour of the MSCanvas buttons onthe admin ponel.
- Fixed the SQL error on the Admin Panel.
- Spotlight searches are automatically redone with new record set data.
- Soptlight searching now handles pasted in words more efficiently
- Fix for auto-complete window location with multiple monitors.
- Auto-complete window knows users SmallSystem Font.
- Command-Option-N now creates an INSERT SQL statement using the selected table and columns.
- Now duplicate SQL are not saved in the XML document. This should speed up large old documents that have a lot of repeated SQL phrases.
- Using MySQLCommunityPlugin.rbx plugin
- Compiled with RB2009r1
Released Released 3 Aug 2010
- Saving a document now displays a ProgressBar; it was taking so long I had to give some feedback...
- Command-L removed from "Show Log" menu; it gave me the willies...
- Compiled with RB2009r1
Software License Agreement