On this page you can read the change log for old versions of Risky Business SOS
If in doubt, contact support@macsos.com.au before upgrading.
2008 Release 041 (April 2008)
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = `2008.041
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = `2008.041
[Fix] Fix the "That That" comment when selecting the Risk Assessment group for a New SOP.
[Fix] App object: fixed spelling of 'Soultions'. Sheesh....
[Chg] Using Graph Pro v3.81b
[Not] Built with REALbasic 2007r4.
2007 Release 121 (December 2007)
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.121
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.121
[New] Corrective Actions (ie defined actions to correct the risk of a Hazard) can be added to iCal in OS X 10.5 with the click of a button.
[Opt] Reduced the refreshing of the main screen.
[Opt] AutoButtons no longer refresh the window when updating the image, resulting in a speed boost for window operations.
[Chg] Removed the unused wWizardNextStep dialog.
[Chg] Summary Graph Window slightly larger.
[Chg] Mouse over node on the Summary Graph Window now displays the Y axis label.
[Chg] Invalid dates now show a warning to the user.
[Chg] Relative dates expanded to accommodate single years.
[Fix] Fixed the transparency for the Home48.bmp picture.
[Fix] Printed SOPS now include the emergency plan details.
As promised in my blog, "Flammable Contents", here is a minor OS X Leopard update
2007 Release 112 (November 2007)
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.112
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.112
[New] MacOS X 10.5 (Leopard) compatible
[Fix] Fixed the age calculation on the User Dialog.
[Fix] Delete hazard icon now display correctly on MacOS X 10.5.
[Chg] All .bmp images were re-saved as smaller .bmp files.
[Opt] = Optimization
[Fix] = Bug Fix
[Afx] = Alpha or Beta fix. Fix for a problem recently introduced.
[Imp] = Improvement on bug, but problems may still exist
[New] = New Feature
[Chg] = Changes Previous Functionality
[Kis] = Known Issue
[Wrk] = WorkAround
[WrB] = WorkAround broken as a result of bug fix.
[Tip] = Insight into the design of a feature, suggests possible uses.
[Nte] = Note
[Dep] = Deprecated
[Pat] = Describes a backwards compatibility issue.
[Ref] = Major refactoring, functionality should be identical to previous.
[Nlr] = No Longer Reproducible, Reason Unknown.
Usually a consequence of some other fix.
[OSX] = Mac OS X 10.3+
[W32] = Win32
[All] = Affects Mac OS X and Win32. Default unless otherwise specified.
2007 Release 111 (November 2007)
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.111
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.111
[Opt] Greatly sped up the display of all items for each category on the Main registers page.
[New] Atmospheric Monitoring Reports and Other Substance Documents can now be stored directly with the relevant Substance.
[New] An Employee's Date of Birth can now be recorded as per Victoria's "Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007" Legislation.
[New] An Employee's age is now automatically calculated and displayed on the User's dialog.
[New] Added a new join table between Substances and Notes.
[New] Added an index on Policy..Title.
[New] Added an index on File..SubstanceID.
[New] Added an index on File..FileName.
[New] Added an index on File..IncidentID.
[New] New blog entry "Software is never finished...".
[New] A 'Document' panel was added to the Substances Dialog.
[New] Added SELECT privileges to GROUPs Technical, ReadOnly, NonTechnical and Assessor FOR TABLE SubstanceNote IN DATABASE RiskyBusinessSOS.sqlite;
[New] Scripts for using a postgresql server as the Risky Business SOS application server created.
[Wrk] Quitting the application with the Location dialog still open (and with unsaved changes) no longer throws an error.
[Chg] Truncated text on the main registers page now has an ellipse "..." appended.
[Chg] The Substance window was widened slightly to accommodate the extra 'Documents' panel.
[Chg] myDatabaseRecord.rbo now allows AttrDate with blank text strings to be saved as NULL dates in an UPDATE statement.
[Chg] Some widgets on the Users dialog moved by 1 pixel and right aligned so as to be pixel perfect.
[Chg] Enabled the User the ability to cancel files being bulk uploaded via drag and drop on the file listbox in the Substance, SOP, Incident and User Incident dialogs.
[Fix] Removed the duplicate SQLscript constant from cReportManager.
[Fix] Removed the 5 white pixels from the RBSOS_Medium.bmp image (It is now pixel perfect!).
[Fix] The DateNTime dialog now shows the correct year when opened via the Date Bevel Button.
[Not] Atmospheric Monitoring Reports that relate to the use of a particular substance in a particular Procedure can still be stored directly with the corresponding SOP.
[Not] Health Surveillance Reports that relate to a particular person in a particular incident should be stored directly with the relevant incident.
[Fix] cRiskyBusinessSOS.sql: Increased the shortdesc from 80 to 255 characters in the create scripts.
[Fix] popAttribute.sql: Fixed the create script for the UseMacSOSBackup Attribute details.
[Fix] Corrected some details in the popAttribute field.
[Fix] Unit tests expanded to check for CodeSetID = "0".
[Not] Risky Business SOS works just fine on MacOS X 10.5
[Not] Built with REALbasic 2007r4.
[Opt] = Optimization
[Fix] = Bug Fix
[Afx] = Alpha or Beta fix. Fix for a problem recently introduced.
[Imp] = Improvement on bug, but problems may still exist
[New] = New Feature
[Chg] = Changes Previous Functionality
[Kis] = Known Issue
[Wrk] = WorkAround
[WrB] = WorkAround broken as a result of bug fix.
[Tip] = Insight into the design of a feature, suggests possible uses.
[Nte] = Note
[Dep] = Deprecated
[Pat] = Describes a backwards compatibility issue.
[Ref] = Major refactoring, functionality should be identical to previous.
[Nlr] = No Longer Reproducible, Reason Unknown.
Usually a consequence of some other fix.
[OSX] = Mac OS X 10.3+
[W32] = Win32
[All] = Affects Mac OS X and Win32. Default unless otherwise specified.
2007 Release 101
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.101
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.101
[New] Added a new Excel report "List All Hazards and Risk Assessments".
[New] Implemented a new, extra cost MacSOS remote backup service for licensed single user customers. This is our electronic offsite backup service for your Risky Business SOS information. Email us at macsos@macsos.com.au us for further details and costs.
[New] Added the Emergency Plan field to the Procedure dialog.
[New] Added the word "More" to the extra's popup menu.
[New] Searching for SOPs using the spot-light search widget now searches the Short and Long description fields using all the words in the search term in a AND Boolean SQL clause. ie "full demo" would find all SOPS with the words "full" and "demo". In previous versions these words would have to be together as "full demo", now they found even if they are separated by other words. For example, if the text "this is a full interactive demo" was in the Long description field, and a search was done using the criteria "full demo" now the SOP will appear in the search results list on the main registers page.
[New] Searching for First Aid also uses AND boolean searches like searching for SOPs. Searching in the other registers may be similarly enhanced in future versions.
[Fix] Resizing the Help/Glossary dialog no longer displays all the information for every attribute.
[Fix] Uploaded Filesizes are now calculated correctly.
[Fix] Unamed Policies must be named before saving.
[Fix] Close button on the User's dialog is now right bottom aligned.
[Fix] The extras menu now stays on the page more reliably when shrinking the Procedure dialog.
[Fix] Updated to v3.6 of GraphPro for Realbasic.
[Chg] Moved the Sub-Procedures icon to the extra popup menu.
[Chg] After deleting a file using the Document dialog, the vacuum command can be run to shrink the database.
[Chg] The Export
[Chg] Enhanced the ExportRecordSetToString API interface. It now exports more codeset types in English rather than the code value.
[Fix] Resetting a script back to factory settings no longer displays a second Save Changes dialog.
[Fix] The Close button on the Report Editor is once again right-bottom aligned.
[Not] Built with REALbasic 2007r4
[Opt] = Optimization
[Fix] = Bug Fix
[Afx] = Alpha or Beta fix. Fix for a problem recently introduced.
[Imp] = Improvement on bug, but problems may still exist
[New] = New Feature
[Chg] = Changes Previous Functionality
[Kis] = Known Issue
[Wrk] = WorkAround
[WrB] = WorkAround broken as a result of bug fix.
[Tip] = Insight into the design of a feature, suggests possible uses.
[Nte] = Note
[Dep] = Deprecated
[Pat] = Describes a backwards compatibility issue.
[Ref] = Major refactoring, functionality should be identical to previous.
[Nlr] = No Longer Reproducible, Reason Unknown.
Usually a consequence of some other fix.
[OSX] = Mac OS X 10.3+
[W32] = Win32
[All] = Affects Mac OS X and Win32. Default unless otherwise specified.
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.092
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.092
[New] Added a Standard Window menu to the MacOS X binary (Thanks Charles Yeomans)
[New] The Type of Hazard (OH&S, Quality Control, etc.) is now displayed on the summary Hazard Register on the main register page.
[New] The Glossary now has a resize splitter between the listbox and the text.
[New] New Logout icon, courtesy of Seth Willits - Thanks Seth!
[New] Added a contextual menu to the list of Registers on the Main Register page.
[New] Added a "View..." menuitem under the Edit Menu. This is the equivalent of double clicking a Register item, or double clicking a Register item on the Main Register page.
[New] Autobuttons now have a MouseEnter and MouseExit event.
[New] Clicking the Warning Flag that alerts the user to a Substance or a Hazard that is not controlled, now automatically highlights then selects the first 'Not Controlled" Row.
[New] Clicking the Warning Flag that alerts the user to a Sub-Procedure that is not controlled, now automatically highlights, then selects the first 'Not Controlled" Sub-Procedure.
[New] When the user's mouse is over the SOP 'Warning Flags' the window now display the string "Click the Icon to highlight the item that needs attention" in the Window's long
[New] Linking in a new sub-Procedure automatically selects this SOP in the sub-procedure listbox on the SOP dialog.
[New] New Summary Pie Graph: "Relative rows".
[New] Databrowser can now export to tab delimited Excel documents or to Stata .do files via the Export Menu.
[New] Adding a New External Contact automatically opens the Contact Details dialog.
[New] New users now automatically get allocated the Procedure, LabelReport50, LabelReport250, LabelReport5000 and Substance Reports.
[New] Close Menu added to the Location dialog.
[New] Close Menu added to the Incident dialog.
[New] If no Alerts are found the Home page is automatically selected.
[New] New Menu "Encrypted Export" located under File->Export. The Safety Officer can use use this menu to export Substances, Policies and Procedures for transfer to other organisations that use Risky Business SOS.
[New] Each users last login time is shown in the Users administration window.
[New] SOPs can now be securely exported and securely imported.
[New] Contextual Menu now on the Main register's page.
[New] Added a new Get Password dialog.
[Fix] Cosmetic redraw issues with the Help Button after a window resize has been fixed for 16 dialogs.
[Fix] Previously entered, non-sensitive External people are now displayed when clicking the "Link Person" button on the Incident Page.
[Fix] Fixed the "in about" time differential method for dates that differ by about 60 minutes.
[Fix] Checking the "Reset Window Dimensions" now works without having to logout.
[Fix] Checking the "Reset Window Dimensions" preference checkbox is now disabled if accessing from the Login window.
[Fix] Fixed the masks for many pictures.
[Fix] Spotlight searching for Alerts on the main registers page no longer shows Approved SOPs for non-Safety Officers.
[Fix] Everybody can now view an Approved Policy.
[Fix] Hazards can now be viewed by NonTechnical users.
[Fix] Placement of Cancel and Save buttons on the Preferences dialog is now both Win32 and OS X HIG compliant.
[Fix] Placement of Close and Save buttons on the Administration dialog is now both Win32 and OS X HIG compliant.
[Fix] Placement of Close and Save buttons on the Action dialog is now both Win32 and OS X HIG compliant.
[Fix] Placement of Cancel and Print buttons on the Substance label Print dialog is now both Win32 and OS X HIG compliant.
[Fix] Placement of Cancel and Save buttons on the Location dialog is now both Win32 and OS X HIG compliant.
[Fix] Placement of Cancel and Save buttons on the Note dialog is now both Win32 and OS X HIG compliant.
[Fix] Ok, I actually fixed 36+ dialogs so that the Cancel and Save buttons are now both Win32 and OS X HIG compliant.
[Fix] Printing Labels from the Main screen is re-enabled.
[Fix] Groups and Procedure lists on the Hazard Risk Assessment are now cleared completely before being refreshed.
[Fix] The minimum width for Hazard Risk Assessment dialog has now been set.
[Fix] Fixed the Cog48 icon so that the painted mask looks better.
[Fix] Fixed the Cog24 icon so that the painted mask looks better.
[Fix] Set the minimum height and minimum width for many windows.
[Fix] Autobuttons on Win32 clients flicker less.
[Fix] Auto-generated report names are now unique.
[Fix] Date and Time dialog now sets the control ignorechange flag correctly.
[Fix] Removed the duplicate 'Risk Likelihood' items in the Glossary help static text field.
[Fix] Picking a Sub-Procedure now works better; the Spotlight search risk faster and now only shows 'Approved SOPs.
[Fix] DataBrowser dialog now displays more tables and column types.
[Fix] The Primary Group popupmenu on the SOP dialog now longer allows the Safety Officer to even attempt to set the Primary Assessing group to be blank.
[Fix] Added 'GroupID', 'Score', 'DateTaken' and 'Base64Chunk' to the list of Attributes.
[Fix] Account spelling corrected.
[Fix] The "Checking for new version" floating window now closes correctly.
[Fix] Only Safety Officers and Group Assessors can change an Approved Assessment.
[Fix] The "Don't Save" button on MessageDialog boxes is now returned correctly when pushed.
[Fix] Clicking "Don't Save" when closing a non-approved SOP no longer asks for the SOp to be accepted nor are Quizzes opened.
[Fix] NonTechnical users now longer see duplicates in the Substances register.
[Fix] The DataBrowser window now has a menubar on Vista.
[Fix] The UserID on the Adminstration dialog ow sorts numerically.
[Fix] Disabling a Users login now set the property to 2 rather than 0.
[Fix] Re-Enabling a Users login, then cancelling out of the change password dialog, now correctly closes the transaction.
[Chg] CheckBox Attributes can now have the ticked and unticked integer values pre-set.
[Chg] Only the Safety Officer can create or edit Quizzes.
[Chg] Changed the wording of the Help step text for Assessors who view a SOP that they need to assess for risk. It now says "This SOP is not Approved. You need to Risk Assess the SOP status."
[Chg] The height of the Incident Window has increased.
[Chg] When linking in generic hazards into the SOPs, the pick Hazard dialog now display more helpful information.
[Chg] Adding a New Hazard to a SOP automatically sets the Hazard to be generic.
[Chg] "Renamed Excel menu to be "Excel Text" to indicate hat it is a tab-delimited text file
[Chg] The Row Height of the File listbox is now 20 pixels.
[Chg] Replaced the "Cart" To Do icon with a "Red Flag".
[Chg] The login screen is now opened in the centre of the main screen.
[Chg] The main window now maximises when originally opened.
[Chg] Removed the 'Close' button from the Document Browser.
[Chg] Modified the 24 Pixel Help icon.
[Chg] Changed the location of the help icon on 30+ windows.
[Chg] The Welcome license now wraps to the width of the window, even if the window is resized.
[Chg] The main listbox title is no longer blue, it's black.
[Chg] Various HIG modifications. Many Thanks to Seth Willits, John Balestrieri, Sven E Olsson, David Glass, Daniel Greg and Tom Benson.
[Chg] The login time per connection is now displayed in more human friendly manner.
[Chg] The Emergency and First Aid registers now display a three line summary like the other registers.
[Chg] Removed the Risky Business SOS folder icon from the installer.
[Chg] The Help Glossary now uses an editfield, that automatically wraps help text, if resized.
[Chg] The Hazard Window can no longer be resized.
[Chg] On a PC the "Backup to .Mac" menu now says "Backup to Remote Server". For OS X it stays as "Backup to .Mac"
[Chg] On a PC the Backup to Remote Server dialog display a host OS appropriate title and prompt.
[Chg] Re-recorded the "To Do.wav" file (with "Audio Recorder") to now say "Alerts"; I used "Audacity" to clean up of the sound file.
[Chg] Removed MySQL client libraries from Risky Business SOS.
[Chg] Renamed "To Do" To be "Alerts".
[Chg] Renamed the "ToDo" attribute to "Alerts"
[Chg] Out of time demo licensed users now bounce to the MacSOS web site.
[Imp] Logging in is now even faster as the "Alerts" list is loaded once.
[Imp] The window positioning is retained better for XP and Vista users between logins.
[Afx] ReadOnly and NonTechnical users no longer see New un-approved SOPs
[Not] Exported SOPS do not contain Hazards, Groups, Sub-Procedures or Substances.
[Not] Removed the increasing superfluous role 'SubstancesOnly'. Users with this Role are now changed to the 'NonTechnical' role.
[Not] Newly added users automatically get assigned the permission to print SOPS and HazChem reports. Users without these permissions can no longer print from the Main page.
[Not] Only Safety Officers can create or edit incidents. Normally nobody else can view them at all. however, an assessor can see the summary list of incidents (but not edit those incidents) for SOPs that they assess.
[Opt] MainWindow now displays faster.
[Not] Built with REALbasic 2007r4
[Opt] = Optimization
[Fix] = Bug Fix
[Afx] = Alpha or Beta fix. Fix for a problem recently introduced.
[Imp] = Improvement on bug, but problems may still exist
[New] = New Feature
[Chg] = Changes Previous Functionality
[Kis] = Known Issue
[Wrk] = WorkAround
[WrB] = WorkAround broken as a result of bug fix.
[Tip] = Insight into the design of a feature, suggests possible uses.
[Nte] = Note
[Dep] = Deprecated
[Pat] = Describes a backwards compatibility issue.
[Ref] = Major refactoring, functionality should be identical to previous.
[Nlr] = No Longer Reproducible, Reason Unknown.
Usually a consequence of some other fix.
[OSX] = Mac OS X 10.3+
[W32] = Win32
[All] = Affects Mac OS X and Win32. Default unless otherwise specified.
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.091
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.091
[New] The Main page registers of Procedures, Hazards, HazChem, Liabilities etc. now have an expanded three line summary, for an immediate 'at-a-glance' idea of the current status and action required. 'eg Approved but contains new changes'.
[New] Items on the main register page that require attention now have a red flag (or other mark) to distinguish them as requiring attention.
[New] The HelpTag on the Return-To-Work plan editfield field on the User Incident page now says "Include the name of the return-to-work coordinator here" as per the NSW legislation.
[New] After adding an employee (or a visitor) to an incident a message box informs the user to "...notify your insurer within 48 hours of becoming aware of this workplace injury" as per relevant legislation.
[New] HazChem, Incident, SOP, Hazard and Incident registers on the Main Page have been visually redesigned to give more information at a glance.
[New] Double clicking a Hazard of a SOP, opens the Hazard Risk assessment page.
[New] For users with the ability to create SOPs for several groups, a simple dialog now appears allowing them to nominate which group to allocate the SOP.
[New] SOP window: A new page "Groups" has been added. This page shows the groups currently subscribed to the SOP. The Safety Officer can very easily force other groups to adhere to this SOP by simply ticking the Group Name.
[New] Added a new "User Info" Window. This window shows, amongst other things, the logged in user's Groups and their roles in those groups.
[New] Each employees cumulative login time is now displayed on the User admin control panel and on the "User Info" Window.
[New] For users with the ability to create SOPs for several groups, a simple dialog now appears allowing them to nominate which group to allocate the SOP.
[New] SOP window: A new page "Groups" has been added. This page shows the groups currently subscribed to the SOP. The Safety Officer can very easily force other
[New] Command w now closes the "Data Browser" window.
[New] Added the essay "Documenting Common Sense" to the Risky Business SOS blog.
[New] Relocated the Backup To Remote/.Mac preference from the Preferences dialog to the main Administration dialog. Changes are now also audited.
[New] Added a 'One last time, do you really want to do this major change' message when changing a Hazard risk assessment will result in 2 or more SOPs being forced to be re-assessed.
[New] New unread notes on a SOP are now brought to the users attention via an amber flag at the top of the SOP window.
[New] The DataBrowser window now displays the number of rows.
[New] New Report Engine API call: RecordSet_FieldDateValueUTCtoLocalTimeZoneSQLDate(id as integer, field as string) as string. Returns the Date in local time.
[New] New Report Engine API call: RecordSet_FieldDateValueUTCtoLocalTimeZoneSQLDateTime(id as integer, field as string) as string. Returns the Date and Time in local time.
[New] New Report Engine API call: GetUTCDateTime as string. Returns the current Date and Time in UTC time.
[New] Report manager: GetAttributeCodeSetType as string added to the General Context RB SCript engine class. This fixes the error when printing Chemicals reports
[New] New attribute method CodeSetType as string. Returns "Multiple", "Single", "Cascading".
[New] Incidents with either a workers compensation or public liability claim now display a liability icon on the incident window.
[New] The helptag for the 'More Options' button on the SOP window now says 'More Options'. Wow!
[Fix] The New Hazard button is enabled for all users.
[Fix] "Incomplete SQL Statement" error when spotlight searching Hazardous Chemicals by name, UN number, CAS number etc has been fixed.
[Fix] Procedures with uncontrolled risks are correctly determined
[Fix] Reworked the logic that enabled users with multiple roles opening SOPs that are adhered by several groups.
[Fix] Hazard Assessment window now displays correct procedures and locations.
[Fix] Renamed the database column RemoteBackUp folder to be Base64RemoteBackupFolder. This only affected people who created a new database with 2007.082.
[Fix] The date the policy is first created is now stored (Previously it was just audited).
[Fix] The ID of the last user to modify the policy is stored (Previously it was just audited).
[Fix] A Major re-assessment of the risk of a Hazard, linked to a SOP, now sets the status of the SOP to be 'Awaiting Manager Review' and adds a comment marked so that it appears in the To Do list of the Risk Assessors of the SOP.
[Fix] Spotlight-like searching of Hazards now searches the Hazard items rather than "To Do' items.
[Fix] The Group dialog no longer display old deleted SOPs.
[Fix] The edit group button on the admin dialog now re-selects the correct row after editing the group.
[Fix] Printing Chemical reports now works again.
[Fix] Spotlight searching on Hazards no longer thows an SQL error
[Chg] The user info text under the Table of Contents is now a hypertext link that opens the "User Info" Window
[Chg] The user info text under the Table of Contents is now a different colour.
[Chg] Removed the popupmenu that allows the logged in user to change groups; this is now handled automatically for the user.
[Chg] Removed the "Incidents..." menu and panel.
[Chg] Removed the "Policy..." menu and panel.
[Chg] Removed the "First Aid Personnel..." menu and panel.
[Chg] Slight re-design of the Hazard Window for Non-technical Users.
[Chg] Script API: "CurrentUser_CurrentGroup_GroupID" now returns the User's Primary Group ID (The CurrentUser_CurrentGroup has been deprecated).
[Chg] Script API: "CurrentUser_CurrentRole" now returns the User's Primary Group Role (The CurrentUser_CurrentGroup has been deprecated).
groups to adhere to this SOP by simply ticking the GroupName.
[Chg] Changed the wording of the dialog when attempting to use an un-licensed version of the client.
[Chg] Incidents can only be edited by Safety Officers.
[Chg] The AccessLogID of the person deleting a Policy is now recorded. Previously it was only recorded as being deleted yes/no?. Now the location, username, IP, and date is retained.
[Chg] Modified the Welcome/License Screen to emphasize the default demo password.
[Chg] Even Safety Officers have to digitally sign an agreement having read modified SOPs, even if they are the original author.
[Chg] Comments on the SOP now wrap to show the message more easily, without scrolling.
[Chg] User's with undefined roles (or are not Assessors or Safety Officers) in assessing Hazards cannot save changes to those hazards.
[Chg] Widgets on the Hazard Assessment dialog are now disabled if the user isn't an Assessor or a Safety Officer.
[Chg] Redesigned the 'Database' panel of the main Administration dialog as per Apple's Human Interface Guidelines.
[Chg] Added NoApostrophes as boolean to AttrStaticText Class in the auditing framework.
[Chg] The Notes field on the Users administration dialog now wraps at 72 characters to make it easier to read.
[Chg] The Notes field on the User Incident dialog now wraps at 72 characters to make it easier to read.
[Chg] The Notes field on the External Contact dialog now wraps at 72 characters to make it easier to read.
[Chg] The Print Procedure reports now displays dates in Local Time.
[Chg] The Print Incident reports now displays dates in Local Time.
[Chg] The Print HazChem reports now displays dates in Local Time.
[Chg] Demo app: Reduced the HTTPSocket timeout value (when checking for new versions) from 30 seconds to 8 seconds.
[Chg] Added some text to the SOP group panel to explain that only the Safety Officer can make changes to the Groups that must adhere to this procedure.
[Not] Added some more global constants.
[Not] Only Assessor and Technical Users in the Procedures Primary nominated Group can make modifications and Risk assess the SOP.
[Not] Saving a SOP with Uncontrolled Hazards prompts a warning dialog to the Assessor.
[Not] In an effort to keep the "To Do" list un-cluttered and only show important new information, only 'New' incidents are displayed on the "To Do" panel. The incident panel will of course display all incidents but specifically highlight 'Under Investigation' incidents in red.
[Imp] Logging in is now faster as the "To Do" list is loaded only when needed.
Download 2007.082
[Opt] = Optimization
[Fix] = Bug Fix
[Afx] = Alpha or Beta fix. Fix for a problem recently introduced.
[Imp] = Improvement on bug, but problems may still exist
[New] = New Feature
[Chg] = Changes Previous Functionality
[Kis] = Known Issue
[Wrk] = WorkAround
[WrB] = WorkAround broken as a result of bug fix.
[Tip] = Insight into the design of a feature, suggests possible uses.
[Nte] = Note
[Dep] = Deprecated
[Pat] = Describes a backwards compatibility issue.
[Ref] = Major refactoring, functionality should be identical to previous.
[Nlr] = No Longer Reproducible, Reason Unknown.
Usually a consequence of some other fix.
[OSX] = Mac OS X 10.3+
[W32] = Win32
[All] = Affects Mac OS X and Win32. Default unless otherwise specified.
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.082
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.082
[New] The number of items in the To Do list is displayed directly in the table of contents listbox on the Main window
[New] Added a blog, "Flammable Contents" to the Risky Business SOS web site.
[New] Added new report script API command: SQLRecordSet_ToRTFtable(SQLstr as string, FormattingTags as string = "") as string. This command takes a SQL statement and converts the resulting record set into a RTF table that can be inserted into the middle of a RTF report. The FormattingTags string current only understands one command, "<ConvertCodesToCodeSetDesc>True</ConvertCodesToCodeSetDesc>". This converts Codes of Attributes that are CodeSets to their CodeSet Descriptions.
[New] Enabled the "Save" menu when the Incident dialog is instantiated.
[New] Quick Summary - Positioning the mouse over a Hazard on the "To Do" list now displays a 'Quick Summary' of the item. It gives the most important, pertinent summary information, such as the relative date (eg 'This happened 4 hours ago') of the last most important change.
[New] The "To Do" list has been visually expanded to give more information at a quick glance. This will be particularly useful as new incidents are added. The To Do list displays newly added incidents in real-time to all logged in Safety Officers. A context appropriate relative date is also displayed.
[New] New screenshots added to web page.
[New] The count of To Do items is displayed in the Dock item.
[New] Added new attribute "Base64RemoteBackupPath" to table PrefsDatabase
[New] Server version: New Menu "Backup Database". This menu allows the Safety Officer to back up the datafile on demand.
[New] Single User Client version: New Menu "Backup to .Mac". This menu allows the Safety Officer to back up the datafile to a .Mac iDisk (or any remote folder) on demand.
[New] Holding down the ALT key when selecting the ""Backup to .Mac" menu allows the user to select a new destination backup folder.
[New] The Preferences Window now allows the backup folder destination to be redefined or revealed.
[New] The file list on the Procedure window has been slightly redesigned.
[New] Added a new SOP wizard to make it really easy to get started on a new SOP. It was designed to be a very non-threatening way to start a basic SOP.
[New] Added a new Hazard wizard for Non-Technical people to be much simpler when adding a Hazard. Now they are asked only one non-threatening question. This was a very carefully considered re-design and simplification. The law wants people to get involved with Safety and this wizards encourages non-computer literate people to more easily inform the appropriate people about occupational heath and safety problems.
[Not] I am considering marketing this software as "The least threatening Risk Assessment software on the Market" (grin)
[Not] Renamed ccSubstanceRiskControl to be ccSubstanceHazardControl.
[Not] The default on-screen text prompts are reset to factory default values during the upgrade/migration.
[Not] We use Apple's 'Image IO' via QuickTime for display of our images on Macintosh.
[Chg] Clearing the text in the Search widget now clears all the text style runs.
[Chg] Icons on the main window are now centre aligned rather then left aligned with a 3 pixel buffer.
[Chg] Updated the About box with new localisation details.
[Chg] ccSubstanceHazardControl now uses the SmallSystem font for the tab panel font.
[Chg] Removed the "Save" and "Close" buttons from the SOP and Substance windows. They aren't needed.
[Chg] Expanded the long description of the 'Long Description' attribute
[Chg] The Glossary now tries to centre itself over the calling page.
[Chg] Lengthened the Glossary window slightly.
[Chg] Autobuttons no longer set enabled = true when the button picture is changed. This removed a lot of flickering of the main buttons.
[Fix] The Export button on the Report Editor page now exports the RTF document
rather than the base64 encoded RTF document.
[Fix] Fixed the bug with GetPicture() and the temporary items folder with blank
folderitems; This essentially stops the error message when opening the 'Company Setup...' menu as I now generate a random string for the temporary filename.
[Fix] Drag and Dropping a file onto the SOP list of documents is now only possibly if the user is allowed to edit the SOP.
[Fix] Fixed the GetValueFromDescription() method in the codeset manager.
[Fix] The Notes field on the Users Dialog is now read-only.
[Fix] Pressing command + and command - increases or decreases the size of the text in the listbox with the current focus. Now the System default text size is correctly determined and does not default to 0.
[Fix] Adding or removing locations from a SOP, now sets the visible flag on the close button on OS X.
[Fix] The Incident and Injury icons on the robot icons now are disabled for everyone except Safety Officers or People withe role 'Assessor'.
[Fix] The dimensions of the Main window are saved and restored between logins.
[Fix] Pick User dialog: The search widget now retains the focus after each key stroke.
[Fix] Actions on the "To Do" list can now be opened by double clicking on the item.
[Fix] The height of the window title bar is now calculated correctly on Win32 and OS X.
Download 2007.081
[New] Enterprise Feature: Added a one click upgrade from Single User to Multiple User SOP and Risk Management system.
[New] A nightly backup is automatically scheduled after the single user to multiple user upgrade.
[New] Added a checkbox to the User (Admin) page on the Database panel to temporarily enable or disable logins.
[New] Added a VACUUM button to the Database panel on User (Admin) page. This defragments the database, reclaiming unused space.
[New] Updated the web site to include a new technical document "Editing Reports".
[New] Document filenames are highlighted in bold when displaying SOP files.
[New] PDF documents added to SOPs now display a pleasant PDF icon.
[Fix] Adding a file for an employee involved in an incident no longer throws a SQL error.
[Fix] SOP print button now displays correctly, more often.
[Chg] Renamed the Server panel to be 'Database' on the 'User' (Admin) dialog
[Chg] Re-arranged the controls on the Database panel on User (Admin) page.
[Chg] Greatly reduced the temporary memory requirements when exporting large files.
[Chg] When exporting a file, a case-sensitive rather than lexicographic comparison of MD5 signatures is now undertaken.
[Chg] When Safety Officers delete files using the FileBrowser dialog, the file contents are now permanently deleted.
[Chg] Audit log now displays the filename of files added to SOPs.
[Chg] Modified the width of the small icons for documents.
[Chg] Removed the versioning feature for files. Simply delete the old files when they are no longer needed.
[Chg] When shrinking the SOP window, the 'More Options' popup menu now displays all the hidden options.
[Nte] Upgrading from single user to multiple users resets all passwords.
[Nte] Significant Price Reduction for Single User version.
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.081
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.081
[Nte] Compiled with REALbasic 2007r3.
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.071
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.071
[New] Enterprise Feature: Stata Statistical integration added. Spreadsheet result sets can be exported directly to Stata for statistical analysis.
[New] Enterprise Feature: Excel integration enhanced. Spreadsheet result sets can be exported directly to Excel for further analysis.
[Chg] Glossary: Added a step by step guide to completing a SOP.
[Chg] Moved the "Show Help Dialogs" from the Preferences dialog to the "Users" dialog.
[Chg] The Help window is now shown when the SOP window is displayed.
[Chg] Changed the Notes comment field on the SOP window to be a multiline editfield. This auto-enables the horizontal scrollbars when needed.
[Imp] Encryption Key code modified.
[Chg] Graphs: Nodes now default to being filled squares.
[Fix] Vista: Registration text box is now longer to accommodate the higher default textsize on some Vista computers.
[Nte] Compiled with REALbasic 2007r3.
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.051
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.051
[New] Policies can be exported (eg for emailing to others) and imported.
[New] Exported Policies files can be password protected
[New] Importing Policies can update or add to your policy register.
[New] Hazardous Chemicals can be exported (eg for emailing to others) and imported.
[New] Exported Hazardous Chemical files can be password protected
[New] Importing Hazardous Chemicals can update or add to your Hazardous Chemicals register.
[New] Added a new warning for unreviewed SOPs for the original authors.
[New] The "To Do" box on the main window now displays unread or modified Policies.
[New] Policies with substantial modifications now automatically appear on each persons 'To Do' list at login time.
[Chg] The HazChem register on the main window now displays the CAS or UN number for all uses when specifically searching for these codes.
[Chg] Alternative HazChem names expanded from varchar(255) to 'text' for 2007.051 created datafiles.
[Chg] Non-Technical users no longer have a selectable but non-functioning 'New' menu item under 'File'
[Chg] The Change password dialog now asks for the current password as well as a confirmation password before allowing the password to be changed.
[Chg] If the screen is tall enough, the main window resizes to be just large enough to show the liability icon.
[Chg] Win32: The Main window is positioned a little higher when first opened on the main screen.
[Chg] Modified the Wizard dialog to look more like a Win32 wizard dialog.
[Fix] The Users dialog no longer shows previously deleted users files.
[Fix] Non-technical users now longer come up against an SQL error when displaying HazChems
[Fix] Corrected the spelling of 'substantial'.
[Fix] The SOP list in the 'To Do' on the main list is now a more accurate representation of the truth.
[Fix] The "Preference" menu is once again selectable without logging in.
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.042, MinAppVersion = 2007.042
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.042
[New] Public Liability module added.
[New] Public Liability: Incidents can now record injuries to non-Employees.
[New] Public Liability: Incidents can now track various details (file, notes, meetings etc) with respect to public liability claims made against the company.
[New] AS-4360: Added a user level warning that informs the user to re-evaluate the residual risk after adding a new control action.
[New] New external contacts (ie eye-witnesses or affected people) can be added directly from the incident page.
[New] Added a google like search widget to the "External Contacts" panel of the Administration dialog.
[New] Added HazardID to the Actions dialog
[New] Added The Short Description of the Hazard to the Action Dialog
[New] StatusDialog is now shown when loading a SOP, Hazard or Chemical.
[New] Added a new menu item "email MacSOS"
[New] Added Ellipsis characters to the end of many menu items to better satisfy the Apple's Aqua Human Interface Guidelines.
[New] Hazards set automatically to the status: "Corrective Actions Pending" now display a clue button and animated target ring markers.
[New] Added a Change password menu and dialog.
[Fix] AttrStaticText widgets now correctly checked for their dirty state by the parent AttributeDatabaseRecord class.
[Fix] Changing the "User who must do the Action" is now saved correctly in a Corrective Action.
[Fix] Only associated SOPs are displayed on the HazardAssessment window.
[Fix] Closing a Hazard now updates the main window listbox properly
[Fix] Chemicals now display Hazardous classification on the Chemical register on the front screen.
[Fix] The correct row on the Chemical register on the front screen is now updated correctly when the Hazardous substance window is closed.
[Chg] The Actioner of a corrective Action is now displayed on the panel 'Corrective Actions" on the HazardAssessment window.
[Chg] Hazards that contain Actionable items that are not closed are now set automatically to the status: "Corrective Actions Pending".
[Chg] Corrective Actions listbox now uses the SmallSystem font.
[Chg] Changed the background colour of the Actions Dialog.
[Chg] Re-opening an already opened SOP or Hazardous Chemical window no longer reverts to the information stored in the database.
[Chg] Multiple rows for each register on the front page can be selected.
[Chg] The rows for each register on the front page can be copied to the clipboard.
[Chg] Switched to a new date and time dialog for general and incident notes.
[Chg] After user feedback, the print button has now re-appeared on the main register screen so that SOP's can be more easily printed.
[Chg] Removed the word 'Workers' from Workers Compensation attributes.
[Chg] To Do items on the main window listbox now display local time zone dates.
[Chg] Moved the widgets around on the Details screen of the incident dialog.
[Chg] Re-worded IncidentStatusID=2 from "Requires Attention" to "Under Investigation".
[Chg] Modified the incident report and script to handle the external contact details.
[Not] The print Incident report and script are reloaded when upgrading from 2007.041.
[Chg] Removed the cFastBufferString code.
[Chg] Renamed "Hazardous Substances" and "Chemicals" to be "HazChem".
[Chg] Changed the layout of the ccHazardControl window.
[Chg] Changed the image map to represent a man.
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.041, MinAppVersion = 2007.041
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.041
[New] Human voice prompts added.
[New] Added the table PolicyUserVersion. This records the version and UTC datetime stamp when a User reads a Policy.
[New] DataBrowser introduced. This is only accessible by the Safety Officer.
[New] Implemented easy client updates. The server pushes the correct full installer to older client client machine when the older clients need to be updated.
[New] Added an LED thermometer bulb to the quiz questionnaire screen. This gives the person taking the quiz an indication of how many questions are still to come.
[New] Added a demo Quiz and linked it to the demo SOP.
[New] Putting a Mac to sleep for a long time (eg over night) can result in a broken server connection. Now, Risky Business SOS checks for the signature of a dropped server connection and automatically re-connects.
[New] Added "GetDatabaseSchemaVersion", "DB_BackupNow" to the Scripting API module.
[New] Now offers to Save new Hazards so as to allow Corrective Actions to be added more easily.
[New] Unit tests added for debug builds.
[Chg] Audit now stores the text of the previous value for codesets rather than the integer.
[Chg] Added a reminder msgbox that tells the user what the default password is after they agree to the license during the initial installation.
[Chg] Changed the layout of the Welcome installation dialog so that demo password is even more obvious.
[Chg] Added a dialog to remind people of the demo password during initial installation.
[Chg] More Attributes added. Some made inVisibleInGlossary.
[Chg] Some spelling mistakes corrected.
[Chg] Made the incomplete management summary report invisible to users.
[Chg] Adjusted the minimum_height and minimum_width parameters of the wMainWindow to be more sensible values.
[Chg] Changed the isServer variable from string to boolean.
[Chg] The "Upload new installers" buttons now both use the FileManager.DeleteFile handler.
[Chg] The FileBrowser listbox now sorts the FileID, Date and VersionSeq columns numerically.
[Chg] Now TextFont="SmallSystem"and TextSize=0 for the mouse roll-over help class widget.
[Chg] Re-worded the IncidentTypeID CodeSet. The options are now:
'Serious injury, illness or death'
'Minor injury or illness'
'Near miss with no injuries'
[Chg] Made the quiz questionnaire screen resizable.
[Chg] Changed the order of that the check for invalid recordsets on the Main Window. The heck for db.errormessage is now before the check for nil RecordSet.
[Wrk] Manually ensured that the Client application version was not getting mangled on German numeric formatting when first initialising the Prefs database. Now the "," is replaced with a "."
[Not] After copying a graph from the "Summary Graph" pages, use "Paste Special" to enter the image into MS Word.
[Not] Modified "CREATE TABLE Attribute...." so that CodeSetID is varchar(255) rather than CodeSetID varchar(100)
[Fix] The unit tests found some several inconstancies in the popAttributes file. v2007.041 reloads it completely,
[Fix] The Total days off work for a User incident is now left, bottom aligned.
[Opt] Loading all modules on the Main Window (eg SOPD, Hazards) when using a REALSQL server is now much quicker.
[Chg] The front main screen now displays more summary info for Incidents.
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.033
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.033
[Fix] Document listbox on SOP window now longer throws an exception.
[Fix] Reports menu is no longer selectable until after logging in.
[Not] The new management summary report is not yet fully functional.
[Not] Built with REALbasic 2007r1
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.032
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.032
[New] Now attempts to create the RiskyBusinessSOS.sqlite and RiskyBusinessSOSprefs.sqlite files in the users ~/Documents directory. Creating them in /All Users/Shared/Documents created the files without write permissions on WinXP.
[Not] Built with REALbasic 2007r1
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.031, MinAppVersion = 2007.031
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.031
[Chg] The registration window now appears when detecting an unauthorized upgrade from Single user to Multiple user.
[Fix] Re-opening the same SOP or Substance twice now re-uses the current SOP or Substance windows rather than creating a new instance of the dialog.
[Nlr] Exception error when quitting the Application with open SOP or Substance dialogs.
[New] User Dialog now display the SOP acceptance history for each user. The date the SOP was closed, accepted or rejected is displayed in Local time.
[Chg] Modified the auditing process for SOP closing to record the time the user closed the SOP.
[Chg] Modified the SOP closing process to ensure that the SOP version number is incremented correctly for Non-Safety Officer users.
[Fix] Double clicking an Investigator that had previously been added to a Hazard, no longer incorrectly opens an injured workers case file.
[Fix] Fixed the SQL for the default 'TemplateText'.
[Chg] Changed the Company Setup dialog to enable a much easier method to change the prompting text for new attribute data.
[Fix] Report engine now correctly handles individual check items of Hierarchical codesets.
[Chg] For Local DB setups only, the Username (ie the login name) of a person can now be changed by a Safety Officer.
[Chg] Added code to rename the user when accessing REALSQL datafiles.
[Chg] Splash screen text changed from 'MacSOS Pty Ltd' to 'MacSOS Solutions Pty Ltd'.
[Chg] Modified the license algorithm to enable or disable the creation of Groups.
[Chg] Administration window now checks to see if the license allows new groups to be added.
[Chg] The User listbox on the Administration now displays the codeset text for 'Login Allowed' rather than the raw integer value.
[Chg] Renamed the buttons on the Pick Quiz and Edit Quiz windows for better clarity and user experience.
[Chg] Modified the long help text for the attribute 'Hazards'.
[New] Added the User-Incident field 'ReturnToWorkPlan'. This is a text field that outlines the treatment, rehabilitation, re-training, claims and employment management practises that have been agreed between the company, the injured worker, the return to work co-ordinator and the Approved Medical Specialist.
[New] Added the User-Incident field 'IncidentNoteDate'. This the date that the Return-To-Work Note refers to for the purposes of managing and monitoring the chronological history of events that make up the Return-To_Work/injury management plan.
[New] Added the User-Incident field 'TotalDaysOffWork'. This is a floating field that records the estimated cumulative total days off work for this particular injury.
[New] Added a "Injuries" panel to the the Users dialog. This panel shows the date and type of the injury, as well as the total number of days absent from work for this particular injury.
[Chg] Removed the "Incident" panel from the the Users dialog.
[New] Added Approved Medical Specialists to the External Contacts Page.
[New] Added eMail address field to the External Contacts information.
[New] Added the ability to search for an Incident ID using the Google search editfield on the Pick Incident window.
[New] Added 'isFirstAidOfficer' to 'Users' Is this person a trained first aid officer?
[New] Added 'FirstAidTrainingNotes' to 'Users'. First Aid Officer''s Training details and notes. Users can now includes dates, locations, Service provider and Course titles.
[New] Added the COLLATE NOCASE swtich to many SQL statements.
[New] Added a Policy Module. Policies can be site (ie Group) specific. They can be associated with SOPs if required.
[New] Added 'HazardFirstAidNotes' to Table 'Hazard'.
[Chg] Viewing a Hazard associated with a SOP, now displays the 'HazardFirstAidNotes' rather then the 'AffectedPeople' field. With limited space, First Aids Notes seem more important than some supplemental information when defining the Risk Assessment.
[New] Modified the front page. Replaced the Standard Tab Panel with a Table of Contents (TOC) page panel.
[New] The Front page is different for different user roles. Non-Technical users get a simplified number of items in the Table Of Contents.
[New] Added a Policy Report and Policy Script.
[New] Added Policy to the Front Page for every role.
[New] Added First Aid to the cut-down Non-technical view of a Hazard.
[Chg] Enabled searching of the 'To Do' list.
[Chg] Renamed "In Box" to "To Do".
[New] Added a First Aid module to the front page.
[Fix] Various fixes to CREATE and DROP employees when connected to a REALSQL server
[Fix] Fixed the re-instate employee feature for employees when connected to a REALSQL server
[Fix] Deleting a user now deletes permanently the UserGroup entries. These settings are not re-instated.
[New] About window now displays more information about the license configuration.
[Chg] All 'To Do' items are always coloured Red.
[New] The last active Safety Officer can no longer be deleted or demoted.
[Chg] Changed the GetCodeSetTextReportFromCodeSetValue API interface. It now accepts strings rather than integers. This is to allow a single call to work with BinaryCodeSet listboxes as well as hierarchical listbox.
[Fix] Fixed the print Substance script and the print Substance label scripts to handle the GetCodeSetTextReportFromCodeSetValue API interface changes. These scripts are automatically reset when upgrading to v2007.031 from v2007.021.
[Fix] Fixed the spelling of concise.
[Fix] Fixed the spelling of co-workers. Sheesh.
[Chg] The "To Do" now shows more information about unaccepted SOPs.
[Chg] Changed the algorithm that finds unaccepted SOPs in the "To Do" panel.
[Chg] Hid the Print button on the front page.
[New] Home page map now has clickable roll-over autobuttons
[New] Searching 'First Aid' also searches Substance Name as well as Substance Alternative Names
[New] Added "TemplateText" to the return options for the Report API 'GetAttributeProperty'
[Fix] Now "TemplateText" returns the 'Type' for the Report API 'GetAttributeProperty'
[Fix] The Script "reset" button now works for scripts with id = 7-11
[Not] Built with REALbasic 2007r1
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.021
[Chg] Modified the license, updating "FIVE" with "MULTIPLE".
[Chg] Encryption is now always on for debug builds.
[Chg] Changed the location of the default location of the demo database again. For Macs it is ":Users:Shared:", for PCs it is "\All Users\Documents\" If these are not writable then various other folders are attempted.
[Chg] Changed the location of the default location of the prefs database again. For Macs it is ":ibrary:Preferences:", for PCs it is "\All Users\Application Data\" If these are not writable then various other folders are attempted.
[New] Added a 'reveal' button and absolute path editfield for the Risky Business SOS Prefs database in the Prefs window.
[Chg] Made the Reports menu a hierarchical menu.
[Chg] Modified the myDatabaseRecord to not return scientific notation for doubles on Win32 systems.
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.011
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.011
[Fix] Clicking the "Context" SOP warning now jumps to the correct page.
[New] Added a "Check For Update" menu.
[Fix] The login details for the SO on the wWelcome are now bottom aligned after a resize.
[New] SOP now displays the Incident UTC date in Local Time Zone format.
[Chg] databasefield.DateValueSQLDate changed to databasefield.DateValueUTCtoLocalTimeZoneSQLDate throughout the project code.
[Chg] Field History Dialog (aka wAuditLog) now displays time in Local Time not UTC time.
[New] Added a Save menu to SOP, wHazardAssesment and Substance.
[New] Added "Backup to MacSOS" menu stub. Backup service is not yet implemented.
[Chg] Changed the default location of new RiskyBusinessSOS.sqlite and RiskyBusinessSOSprefs.sqlite files to be in the SpecialShared Folder. On OSX this is /Library/Preferences. Under Win32 this is \All Users\Application Data\
[Fix] Changed spelling of 'Quizes' to 'Quizzes' and 'MacSOS Pty Ltd' to 'MacSOS Solutions Pty Ltd'
[Chg] Moved the splash screen so that it loads after login.
[New] The splash screen now shows the month that the license stops.
[Chg] Info widgets in the top right hand side of the Hazard Assessment dialog are now right aligned.
[Nte] Compiled with REALbasic 2007r1.
Released 4 December 2006
This is the first version
Massive thanks to Shawn Giese, Ruth PeBenito, Leonie Barber, David and Lisa Moncur, Marco Bambino, Will Leshner and Geoff Perlman. Each played a critical part in making this software possible at a price point small businesses can afford.