[Opt] = Optimization
[Fix] = Bug Fix
[Afx] = Alpha or Beta fix. Fix for a problem recently introduced.
[Imp] = Improvement on bug, but problems may still exist
[New] = New Feature
[Chg] = Changes Previous Functionality
[Kis] = Known Issue
[Wrk] = WorkAround
[WrB] = WorkAround broken as a result of bug fix.
[Tip] = Insight into the design of a feature, suggests possible uses.
[Nte] = Note
[Dep] = Deprecated
[Pat] = Describes a backwards compatibility issue.
[Ref] = Major refactoring, functionality should be identical to previous.
[Nlr] = No Longer Reproducible, Reason Unknown.
Usually a consequence of some other fix.
[OSX] = Mac OS X 10.3+
[W32] = Win32
[All] = Affects Mac OS X and Win32. Default unless otherwise specified.
2007 Release 111 (November 2007)
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.111
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.111
[Opt] Greatly sped up the display of all items for each category on the Main registers page.
[New] Atmospheric Monitoring Reports and Other Substance Documents can now be stored directly with the relevant Substance.
[New] An Employee's Date of Birth can now be recorded as per Victoria's "Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2007" Legislation.
[New] An Employee's age is now automatically calculated and displayed on the User's dialog.
[New] Added a new join table between Substances and Notes.
[New] Added an index on Policy..Title.
[New] Added an index on File..SubstanceID.
[New] Added an index on File..FileName.
[New] Added an index on File..IncidentID.
[New] New blog entry "Software is never finished...".
[New] A 'Document' panel was added to the Substances Dialog.
[New] Added SELECT privileges to GROUPs Technical, ReadOnly, NonTechnical and Assessor FOR TABLE SubstanceNote IN DATABASE RiskyBusinessSOS.sqlite;
[New] Scripts for using a postgresql server as the Risky Business SOS application server created.
[Wrk] Quitting the application with the Location dialog still open (and with unsaved changes) no longer throws an error.
[Chg] Truncated text on the main registers page now has an ellipse "..." appended.
[Chg] The Substance window was widened slightly to accommodate the extra 'Documents' panel.
[Chg] myDatabaseRecord.rbo now allows AttrDate with blank text strings to be saved as NULL dates in an UPDATE statement.
[Chg] Some widgets on the Users dialog moved by 1 pixel and right aligned so as to be pixel perfect.
[Chg] Enabled the User the ability to cancel files being bulk uploaded via drag and drop on the file listbox in the Substance, SOP, Incident and User Incident dialogs.
[Fix] Removed the duplicate SQLscript constant from cReportManager.
[Fix] Removed the 5 white pixels from the RBSOS_Medium.bmp image (It is now pixel perfect!).
[Fix] The DateNTime dialog now shows the correct year when opened via the Date Bevel Button.
[Not] Atmospheric Monitoring Reports that relate to the use of a particular substance in a particular Procedure can still be stored directly with the corresponding SOP.
[Not] Health Surveillance Reports that relate to a particular person in a particular incident should be stored directly with the relevant incident.
[Fix] cRiskyBusinessSOS.sql: Increased the shortdesc from 80 to 255 characters in the create scripts.
[Fix] popAttribute.sql: Fixed the create script for the UseMacSOSBackup Attribute details.
[Fix] Corrected some details in the popAttribute field.
[Fix] Unit tests expanded to check for CodeSetID = "0".
[Not] Risky Business SOS works just fine on MacOS X 10.5
[Not] Built with REALbasic 2007r4.