2007 Release 121 (December 2007)
[Chg] Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.121
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.121
[New] Corrective Actions (ie defined actions to correct the risk of a Hazard) can be added to iCal in OS X 10.5 with the click of a button.
[Opt] Reduced the refreshing of the main screen.
[Opt] AutoButtons no longer refresh the window when updating the image, resulting in a speed boost for window operations.
[Chg] Removed the unused wWizardNextStep dialog.
[Chg] Summary Graph Window slightly larger.
[Chg] Mouse over node on the Summary Graph Window now displays the Y axis label.
[Chg] Invalid dates now show a warning to the user.
[Chg] Relative dates expanded to accommodate single years.
[Fix] Fixed the transparency for the Home48.bmp picture.
[Fix] Printed SOPS now include the emergency plan details.