Activity Being Performed Details
An alternative registered product name used by the manufacturer or supplier. The may not necessarily relate to the chemical name of the product or its ingredients.
An integer that describes if the file has been archived.
The last user to modify the assessment
The date that the Procedure was last assessed.
This is the Assessment Status of the Procedure.
Your role here is to approve or un-approve SOPs. You need to review all the substances of this Procedure (Including the appropriate MSDS forms), as well as review all the supplemental documentation. Risk Assessment Approval is the managers legal responsibility.
This number is used to enable every modification of data to be recorded and audited.
Base64 MD5 hash. This is a checksum that ensures that the file hasn't become corrupted.
Base64 Mac Creator code of uploaded file
Base64 Mac Type code of uploaded file
Biological Hazard Category
Body Parts Injured
Chemical Abstracts Service Number (CAS RN or CAS No.) An internationally recognised registration number assigned by the Chemical Abstracts Service to uniquely identify either a chemical, a group of similar chemicals or a mixture, (including a fortuitous mixture such as an oil refinery product). The CAS Number (sometimes described as a Registry Number or RN) consists of up to nine digits and provides an accurate way for retrieving a substance from a computer database. The CAS number is simply a reference number and, unlike the UN number, cannot be linked to any particular chemical or physical properties.
Hazard Category
The Group of the origial author when the Procedure was created.
Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road and Rail. As a Code, it provides basis for State Governments to provide legislation for packaging, marking, transport and storage of dangerous goods.
The Date the note was added to the system by the user.
Date File Created on the local machine. This is dependant on the local computers clock and may differ from the Servers date
Date the File was last modified on the local machine.
An integer that records if the file has been deleted.
Incident Description
Any initial measures that should be taken in an emergency
File ID. Unique File identifier for a file
The full name of the user, eg Dr John Smith.
A substance which has the potential through being used at work to harm the health or safety of persons in the workplace including substances which may be produced in the workplace (eg. from welding rods, plastics Procedureing etc.). The National Commission has defined a Hazardous Substance as a substance that: is included in the National Commission's List of Designated Hazardous Substances (about eight hundred substances); or meets the criteria for a hazardous substance in the National Commission's Approved Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Substances. It excludes certain substances whose presence or use is not related to a work activity, being foodstuffs, therapeutic agents, cosmetics, tobacco and its products and toiletries and toilet products.
This is an images unique identifier. This is the primary key into the Image table
Customer data 1: Use this field to store your own data that doesn't quite fit anywhere else
Customer data 2: Use this field to store your own data that doesn't quite fit anywhere else
Incident Unique Identifier
Records the Sources of information used when creating or modifying the Procedure. It is used to store URLs to external web sites or perhaps a bibliography of references.
Is the user an Investigator?
Last Accessed Date of uploaded file
The UserID of the last user to modify the Procedure.
Incident location
Detailed address of the location, possibly including extensive driving instructions.
Locations are areas that your business operates from or places that your workers regularly operate in. You can nominate a number of helpful details about locations, e.g. emergency phone numbers. The safe storage and monitoring of chemicals is facilitated by nominating and detailing locations. Procedures and workers also need to be associated with Locations. These locations will therefore help you monitor your safety procedures, storage of chemicals and alerting workers when accidents occur.
Is the file locked by a User
User's can only login when this is set to be true.
This is the long description of the Procedure.
MIME type of uploaded file
An Identifier pointing to the Material Safety Data Sheets document describing the properties of a substance.
Main Contact Person Name
Environmental impact and risk assessments:Businesses must comply with a range of environmental legislation as well as that covering health and safety.Sometimes, environmental risks will also be health and safety risks. For example, the careless disposal
Your role here is to read, understand and follow the instructions of this procedure. You need to review all the substances of this Procedure (Including the appropriate MSDS forms), as well as review all the supplemental documentation. You may be have to take a quiz after reading this procedure.
The note text.
The Note ID is a unique identifier for a single note.
Is the Incident Notifiable to governmental authorities?
Original file's Absolute Path on the uploading user's local computer
The UserID of the user who originally created the Procedure.
This is the User's Primary group. A user may be in other groups. The Primary group determines accessibility.
Customer data 1: Use this field to store your own data that doesn't quite fit anywhere else
Customer data 2: Use this field to store your own data that doesn't quite fit anywhere else
Customer data 3: Use this field to store your own data that doesn't quite fit anywhere else
Customer data 4: Use this field to store your own data that doesn't quite fit anywhere else
A Procedure (sometimes called a Standard Operating Procedure or 'SOP') is a defined piece of work that is performed at your organsisation. The law requires your work Procedures to be defined and monitored. The Procedure window allows you to define the context for the Procedure, add supplemental documentation and record incidents when accidents happen.
Quiz Name identifies the Quiz. Give a Quiz an name that relates to the Procedure
Report Script Command Text
Report Script Display Name
Report Script ID
Radionuclide Category
Your role here is to read, understand and follow the instructions of this procedure. You need to review all the substances of this Procedure (Including the appropriate MSDS forms), as well as review all the supplemental documentation. You cannot change any details on this page.
Each Report has a descriptive name. This name is seen by the user in the reports dialog.
Report Output Type ID
Qualitative Measurement of Consequence
Having spotted the hazards, you then have to decide what to do about them. The law requires you to do everything reasonably practicable to protect people from harm. You can work this out for yourself, but the easiest way is to compare what you are doing with good practice.
Risk Exposure Is Controlled
Is the Risk Controlled. Employers must ensure that suitable and sufficient control measures are in place to reduce identified risks.
Qualitative Risk Level Measurement. The potential for physical harm to life, health or property.
Qualitative Measurement of Likelihood
The Unique ID of the Procedure
The version number is a real number that is automatically incremented when the Procedure is modified. Modifying a Procedure may mean that subscribed users of this Procedure have to read or take action. Modifications that increment the version number by a whole number forces all subscribed Procedures users to revisit this Procedure. Minor modifications are noted via 0.0001 increments and do not trigger a re-visit by subscribers.
Is the User a Safety Officer. Safety Officer can access all aspects of the system.
Did the Person See a Doctor?
This is the short description of the Procedure.
Size of the file in MB
Is the substance resistant to undergoing changes by way of decomposition, condensation, self-reaction or polymerisation.
Customer data 1: Use this field to store your own data that doesn't quite fit anywhere else
Customer data 2: Use this field to store your own data that doesn't quite fit anywhere else
Customer data 3: Use this field to store your own data that doesn't quite fit anywhere else
Customer data 4: Use this field to store your own data that doesn't quite fit anywhere else
The Substance emergency First Aid Notes.
The unique identifier for the Substance.
The code for the label size to be printed.
Term used to describe Chemicals, materials, goods, products, formulations and preparations, ie. whether or not pure or single substances. A term used for any natural or artificial substance whether as a solid, liquid, gas or vapour form, but excluding articles.
Emergency and label notes for the cleaning spills.
Your role here is to create new procedures. You need to include all the substances of this Procedure (Including having read the appropriate MSDS forms), as well as upload all the supplemental documentation. Your manager will review and approve or un-approve your procedure and assessment
This is the emergency telephone Number.
Also less commonly known as the Substance Identification Number (SI) and UN Transport Number, it is a system of four digit numbers, assigned to a substance, or a group of chemicals with similar hazardous properties (eg. cresols). Based on a common characteristic, the UN number provides a very useful and important link (via sub-section 9 of the ADG Code) to the Hazchem Code, Emergency Procedure Guides (to provide emergency information), dangerous goods class (to assist for safe handling and storage), the packaging group (to indicate the degree of hazard) and the method for safe packaging.
Date the file was uploaded to the database
Integer ID of the user who uploaded the file
Used As Per MSDS
This is the User's unique numerical User ID. It is used through out the system.
This is the User's unique login name. It is used through out the system.
Users Description of the Incident
Version Key of uploaded file
Version Sequence number of uploaded file
Is a Workers Compensation Board Claim being made?
Workers Compensation Claim ID
This is the User's Primary email address.
An integer that records if the original file has a Resource Fork
URL to the World Wide Web source