Hazard Assessment Panel

The resolution of a Hazard is proper assessment of any risks posed by the Hazard and a decision of whether or not the Hazard is controlled. The Safety Officer or Assessor is responsible for managing these hazards.

Typically any Hazard can be linked to a Procedure as a potential hazard involved in the selected procedure. If the hazard is not meant to be used within a Procedure, the user can uncheck the checkbox titled "Allow this Hazard and Risk Assessment to be included in our Work Procedures."

When the user is done editing the Hazard they can click the Save button and if they are just viewing it, they can click the Close button when they are done. If there is a change to the the Hazard, the user will be asked if it is a minor or major change for correctly changing the version number.


When a Hazard becomes controlled, the red scull and crossbones will disappear from this Hazard.

Figure 4.42. Hazard Assessment Panel

Hazard Assessment Panel

Below are the hazard assessment parameters and their possible values.