
[Chg]  Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.071
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.071
[New]  Enterprise Feature: Stata Statistical integration added. Spreadsheet result sets can be exported directly to Stata for statistical analysis.
[New]  Enterprise Feature: Excel integration enhanced. Spreadsheet result sets can be exported directly to Excel for further analysis.
[Chg]  Glossary: Added a step by step guide to completing a SOP.
[Chg]  Moved the "Show Help Dialogs" from the Preferences dialog to the "Users" dialog. 
[Chg]  The Help window is now shown when the SOP window is displayed.
[Chg]  Changed the Notes comment field on the SOP window to be a multiline editfield. This auto-enables the horizontal scrollbars when needed.
[Imp]  Encryption Key code modified.
[Chg]  Graphs: Nodes now default to being filled squares.
[Fix]  Vista:  Registration text box is now longer to accommodate the higher default textsize on some Vista computers.
[Nte]  Compiled with REALbasic 2007r3.

© Dr Gerard Hammond  PhD Thesis