

     [Opt] = Optimization
     [Fix] = Bug Fix
     [Afx] = Alpha or Beta fix.  Fix for a problem recently introduced. 
     [Imp] = Improvement on bug, but problems may still exist
     [New] = New Feature
     [Chg] = Changes Previous Functionality
     [Kis] = Known Issue
     [Wrk] = WorkAround
     [WrB] = WorkAround broken as a result of bug fix.
     [Tip] = Insight into the design of a feature, suggests possible uses.
     [Nte] = Note
     [Dep] = Deprecated
     [Pat] = Describes a backwards compatibility issue.
     [Ref] = Major refactoring, functionality should be identical to previous.
     [Nlr] = No Longer Reproducible, Reason Unknown.
             Usually a consequence of some other fix.
     [OSX] = Mac OS X 10.3+
     [W32] = Win32
     [All] = Affects Mac OS X and Win32. Default unless otherwise specified.


[Chg]  Changed the schema:
UPDATE PrefsClient set MaxAppVersion = 2007.091
UPDATE PrefsDatabase set DatabaseSchema = 2007.091
[New]  The Main page registers of Procedures, Hazards, HazChem, Liabilities etc. now have an expanded three line summary, for an immediate 'at-a-glance' idea of the current status and action required.  'eg Approved but contains new changes'.
[New]  Items on the main register page that require attention now have a red flag (or other mark) to distinguish them as requiring attention.
[New]  The HelpTag on the Return-To-Work plan editfield field on the User Incident page now says "Include the name of the return-to-work coordinator here" as per the NSW legislation.
[New]  After adding an employee (or a visitor) to an incident a message box informs the user to "...notify your insurer within 48 hours of becoming aware of this workplace injury" as per relevant legislation.
[New]  HazChem, Incident, SOP, Hazard and Incident registers on the Main Page have been visually redesigned to give more information at a glance.
[New]  Double clicking a Hazard of a SOP, opens the Hazard Risk assessment page.
[New]  For users with the ability to create SOPs for several groups, a simple dialog now appears allowing them to nominate which group to allocate the SOP.
[New]  SOP window: A new page "Groups" has been added.  This page shows the groups currently subscribed to the SOP.  The Safety Officer can very easily force other groups to adhere to this SOP by simply ticking the Group Name.
[New]  Added a new "User Info" Window. This window shows, amongst other things, the logged in user's Groups and their roles in those groups.
[New]  Each employees cumulative login time is now displayed on the User admin control panel and on the "User Info" Window.
[New]  For users with the ability to create SOPs for several groups, a simple dialog now appears allowing them to nominate which group to allocate the SOP.
[New]  SOP window: A new page "Groups" has been added.  This page shows the groups currently subscribed to the SOP.  The Safety Officer can very easily force other 
[New]  Command w now closes the "Data Browser" window.
[New]  Added the essay "Documenting Common Sense" to the Risky Business SOS blog.
[New]  Relocated the Backup To Remote/.Mac preference from the Preferences dialog to the main Administration dialog. Changes are now also audited.
[New]  Added a 'One last time, do you really want to do this major change' message when changing a Hazard risk assessment will result in 2 or more SOPs being forced to be re-assessed.
[New]  New unread notes on a SOP are now brought to the users attention via an amber flag at the top of the SOP window.
[New]  The DataBrowser window now displays the number of rows.
[New]  New Report Engine API call: RecordSet_FieldDateValueUTCtoLocalTimeZoneSQLDate(id as integer, field as string) as string. Returns the Date in local time.
[New]  New Report Engine API call: RecordSet_FieldDateValueUTCtoLocalTimeZoneSQLDateTime(id as integer, field as string) as string. Returns the Date and Time in local time.
[New]  New Report Engine API call: GetUTCDateTime as string. Returns the current Date and Time in UTC time.
[New]  Report manager: GetAttributeCodeSetType as string added to the General Context RB SCript engine class.  This fixes the error when printing Chemicals reports
[New]  New attribute method CodeSetType as string. Returns "Multiple", "Single", "Cascading".
[New]  Incidents with either a workers compensation or public liability claim now display a liability icon on the incident window.
[New]  The helptag for the 'More Options' button on the SOP window now says 'More Options'. Wow!
[Fix]  The New Hazard button is enabled for all users.
[Fix]  "Incomplete SQL Statement" error when spotlight searching Hazardous Chemicals by name, UN number, CAS number etc has been fixed.
[Fix]  Procedures with uncontrolled risks are correctly determined
[Fix]  Reworked the logic that enabled users with multiple roles opening SOPs that are adhered by several groups.
[Fix]  Hazard Assessment window now displays correct procedures and locations.
[Fix]  Renamed the database column RemoteBackUp folder to be Base64RemoteBackupFolder. This only affected people who created a new database with 2007.082.
[Fix]  The date the policy is first created is now stored (Previously it was just audited).
[Fix]  The ID of the last user to modify  the policy is stored (Previously it was just audited).
[Fix]  A Major re-assessment of the risk of a Hazard, linked to a SOP, now sets the status of the SOP to be 'Awaiting Manager Review' and adds a comment marked so that it appears in the To Do list of the Risk Assessors of the SOP.
[Fix]  Spotlight-like searching of Hazards now searches the Hazard items rather than "To Do' items.
[Fix]  The Group dialog no longer display old deleted SOPs.
[Fix]  The edit group button on the admin dialog now re-selects the correct row after editing the group.
[Fix]  Printing Chemical reports now works again.
[Fix]  Spotlight searching on Hazards no longer thows an SQL error
[Chg]  The user info text under the Table of Contents is now a hypertext link that opens the "User Info" Window
[Chg]  The user info text under the Table of Contents is now a different colour.
[Chg]  Removed the popupmenu that allows the logged in user to change groups; this is now handled automatically for the user.
[Chg]  Removed the "Incidents..." menu and panel.
[Chg]  Removed the "Policy..." menu and panel.
[Chg]  Removed the "First Aid Personnel..." menu and panel.
[Chg]  Slight re-design of the Hazard Window for Non-technical Users.
[Chg]  Script API: "CurrentUser_CurrentGroup_GroupID" now returns the User's Primary Group ID (The CurrentUser_CurrentGroup has been deprecated).
[Chg]  Script API: "CurrentUser_CurrentRole" now returns the User's Primary Group Role (The CurrentUser_CurrentGroup has been deprecated).
groups to adhere to this SOP by simply ticking the GroupName.
[Chg]  Changed the wording of the dialog when attempting to use an un-licensed version of the client.
[Chg]  Incidents can only be edited by Safety Officers.
[Chg]  The AccessLogID of the person deleting a Policy is now recorded.  Previously it was only recorded as being deleted yes/no?. Now the location, username, IP, and date is retained.
[Chg]  Modified the Welcome/License Screen to emphasize the default demo password.
[Chg]  Even Safety Officers have to digitally sign an agreement having read modified SOPs, even if they are the original author.
[Chg]  Comments on the SOP now wrap to show the message more easily, without scrolling.
[Chg]  User's with undefined roles (or are not Assessors or Safety Officers) in assessing Hazards cannot save changes to those hazards.
[Chg]  Widgets on the Hazard Assessment dialog are now disabled if the user isn't an Assessor or a Safety Officer.
[Chg]  Redesigned the 'Database' panel of the main Administration dialog as per Apple's Human Interface Guidelines.
[Chg]  Added NoApostrophes as boolean to AttrStaticText Class in the auditing framework.
[Chg]  The Notes field on the Users administration dialog now wraps at 72 characters to make it easier to read.
[Chg]  The Notes field on the User Incident dialog now wraps at 72 characters to make it easier to read.
[Chg]  The Notes field on the External Contact dialog now wraps at 72 characters to make it easier to read.
[Chg]  The Print Procedure reports now displays dates in Local Time.
[Chg]  The Print Incident reports now displays dates in Local Time.
[Chg]  The Print HazChem reports now displays dates in Local Time.
[Chg]  Demo app: Reduced the HTTPSocket timeout value (when checking for new versions) from 30 seconds to 8 seconds.
[Chg]  Added some text to the SOP group panel to explain that only the Safety Officer can make changes to the Groups that must adhere to this procedure.
[Not]  Added some more global constants.
[Not]  Only Assessor and Technical Users in the Procedures Primary nominated Group can make modifications and Risk assess the SOP.
[Not]  Saving a SOP with Uncontrolled Hazards prompts a warning dialog to the Assessor.
[Not]  In an effort to keep the "To Do" list un-cluttered and only show important new information, only 'New' incidents are displayed on the "To Do" panel.  The incident panel will of course display all incidents but specifically highlight 'Under Investigation' incidents in red.
[Imp]  Logging in is now faster as the "To Do" list is loaded only when needed.

© Dr Gerard Hammond  PhD Thesis